1. s20x::airpass.df
    International Airline Passengers
  2. s20x::apples.df
    Apples Data
  3. s20x::arousal.df
    Changes in Pupil Size with Emotional Arousal
  4. s20x::beer.df
    US Beer Production
  5. s20x::body.df
    Body Image and Ethnicity
  6. s20x::books.df
    Books Data
  7. s20x::bursary.df
    Bursary Results for Auckland Secondary Schools
  8. s20x::butterfat.df
    Butterfat Data
  9. s20x::camplake.df
    Age and Length of Camp Lake Bluegills
  10. s20x::chalk.df
    Chalk Data
  11. s20x::computer.df
    Computer Questionnaire
  12. s20x::course.df
    Stats 20x Summer School Data
  13. s20x::course2way.df
    Exam Mark, Gender and Attendance for Stats 20x Summer School Students
  14. s20x::diamonds.df
    Prices and Weights of Diamonds
  15. s20x::fire.df
    Fire Damage and Distance from the Fire Station
  16. s20x::fruitfly.df
    Fruitfly Data
  17. s20x::house.df
    Sale and Advertised Prices of Houses
  18. s20x::incomes.df
    Mean Family Incomes
  19. s20x::lakemary.df
    Ages and Lengths of Lake Mary Bluegills
  20. s20x::larain.df
    Los Angeles Rainfall
  21. s20x::mazda.df
    Year and Price of Mazda Cars
  22. s20x::mening.df
    Monthly Notifications of Meningococcal Disease
  23. s20x::mergers.df
    Merger Days
  24. s20x::mozart.df
    Length of Mozart's Movements
  25. s20x::nail.df
    Nail Polish Data
  26. s20x::oysters.df
    Oyster Abundances over Different Sites
  27. s20x::peru.df
    Peruvian Indians
  28. s20x::rain.df
    Cloud Seeding and Levels of Rainfall
  29. s20x::seeds.df
    Seeds Data
  30. s20x::sheep.df
    Sheep Data
  31. s20x::skulls.df
    Skulls Data
  32. s20x::snapper.df
    Snapper Weight Data
  33. s20x::soyabean.df
    Soya Bean Yields
  34. s20x::teach.df
    Comparison of Three Teaching Methods
  35. s20x::technitron.df
    Technitron Salary Information
  36. s20x::thyroid.df
    Effect of a New Drug on Thyroid Weights
  37. s20x::toothpaste.df
    Crest Toothpaste
  38. s20x::zoo.df
    Zoo Attendance during an Advertising Campaign